Halloween is a big deal in many parts of the world. Especially in English-speaking countries.
Little children love to dress up and go trick or treating, filling up their bags with chocolatey goodies and delicious sweets. But let’s be honest, you don’t have to be an 8-year-old to get excited at the prospect of free treats! Dressing up is an essential part of Halloween. It’s something that both adults and children like to do. Some people plan their costume weeks or even months in advance and others leave it to the last minute. I have always been part of that second category. It’s not that I don’t like Halloween, it’s more that I just forget to plan. Before I know it Halloween has arrived and I’m searching through my wardrobe for the scariest T-shirt I can find!
Halloween in Slovakia has not caught on in the same way. You don’t see small kids going trick or treating and you don’t see groups of adults dressed up in zombie outfits as you walk down the street. However, Halloween is starting to become a bigger event and more and more people are beginning to get on board. I was lucky enough to be part of this amazing project – ELA :-). This year we celebrate Halloween together with WELCOME party in our new place. So yes Halloween here I come.
The party had been planned out well in advance so I had all the time in the world to plan my outfit. I told myself that this year I would think up a really unique and funny outfit. I would get all the things I needed before the day of the party and I would arrive in style, looking as scary as possible! How wrong I was …
I woke up on the day of the party and I hadn’t planned a thing. I frantically looked through my wardrobe but I couldn’t find anything to wear. I looked round all the shops in my area but none of them sold anything to do with Halloween. An hour before the party I borrowed some make-up from my friend. I painted my eyes black and put some red lipstick around my mouth. I quickly tied a tie around my head and put on a white shirt. My outfit? A zombie-bride. I felt quite pleased with my last-minute arrangements. I arrived at the party and the first thing someone said to me was ‘Ah you’re a pirate!’ I just nodded and smiled. Perhaps my outfit wasn’t as clear as I thought it was. Oh dear – I guess there’s always next year …